Naming and inspecting containers


  • Labels allow to attach arbitrary metadata to containers.

  • Labels are key/value pairs.

  • They are specified at container creation

  • You can query them with docker inspect.

  • They can also be used as filters with some commands (e.g. docker ps).

Using labels

Let’s create a few containers with a label owner:

docker run -d -l owner=alice nginx
docker run -d -l owner=bob nginx
docker run -d -l owner nginx

We didn’t specify a value for the owner label in the last example.

This is equivalent to setting the value to be an empty string.

Querying labels

We can view the labels with docker inspect.

$ docker inspect $(docker ps -lq) | grep -A3 Labels
                        "Labels": {
                                "maintainer": "NGINX Docker Maintainers <>",
                                "owner": ""

We can use the –format flag to list the value of a label.

$ docker inspect $(docker ps -q) --format 'OWNER={{.Config.Labels.owner}}'

Using labels to select containers (docker ps –filter)

We can list containers having a specific label.

$ docker ps --filter label=owner

Or we can list containers having a specific label with a specific value.

$ docker ps --filter label=owner=alice

Use-cases for labels

  • HTTP vhost of a web app or web service. (The label is used to generate the configuration for NGINX, HAProxy, etc.)

  • Backup schedule for a stateful service. (The label is used by a cron job to determine if/when to backup container data.)

  • Service ownership. (To determine internal cross-billing, or who to page in case of outage.)

  • etc.